
Innovative solutions in plastic and synthetic fibers

Our commitment is to fully accompany our clients: understanding their needs, developing products or services that allow them to take advantage of growth opportunities. Our goal is to establish strong long-term relationships.

We have a broad portfolio of extruded and oriented plastic meshes, technical textiles with fiberglass and plastic filament, decorative sheets, industrial laminate and thermoformed containers. Through our brands: Polimalla, Lamidec, Terfor, Alphatex, we manage to serve different strategic sectors such as Agriculture, Floriculture, Aquaculture, Construction, Hardware, Industrial.

Our brands

Always in search of “continuous improvement”, supported by work processes that evolve every day.

Extruded and Oriented Plastic Meshes
Technical textiles
Decorative and industrial sheets
Thermoformed containers

Tenemos presencia en el mercado local e internacional

A través de productores, mayoristas, distribuidores, autoservicios, de mayor reconocimiento y participación geográfica en industrias, como son:

Contact us

  • Telephones

    Customer service:
    +593 99 437 2156
    + 593 99 9424888

  • Email


  • Monday to Friday

    09h00 - 16h30

  • Address

    Km 9 1/2 - Daule (behind the Leonidas García School)

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